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1 class per week ................................. $60.00/mo

2 classes per week ........................... $115.00/mo

3 classes per week ........................... $165.00/mo
4 classes per week ........................... $215.00/mo

5+ classes, ea extra class per week ... $50.00/mo


(These rates do not include monthly fees for PDA's Performance and Competition teams or Art in Motion)

*Single class/"drop-in" fee:  $20.00

*Drop-in classes are dependent upon availability. Please call ahead to ensure an opening is available.

NOTE: In most cases, we do not prorate classes. Please ask your instructor for suggestions on make-up classes available for your dancer(s) or pay the per-class rate.

Studio class tuition is calculated on an annual basis (the 2024-2025 "Dance Year" beginning September 3, 2024, and ending on June 1, 2025, with our final recital). Monthly tuition payments are auto paid and broken down into 9 (nine) equal monthly installments for convenience. These payments are on the first day of each month September 2024 thru May 2025.

Team fees and rates are shared with parents whose dancers participate in those programs and classes.

There is a 5% sibling tuition discount for families with more than one actively registered and enrolled dancer. This discount only applies to monthly class tuition (not registration fees, special camps, tickets, costumes, etc.), is applied to the second and consecutive students (the first student being that which is taking the most classes).

Private lesson fees:

$20.00 - 15 minutes

$40.00 - 30 minutes

$60.00 - 45 minutes

$80.00 - 1 hour

Semi-private lesson fees (2-4 dancers):

$12.50 ea dancer - 15 minutes

$25.00 ea dancer - 30 minutes

$37.50 ea dancer - 45 minutes

$50.00 ea dancer - 1 hour

Annual non-refundable 
Registration fee
(Due upon enrollment):
$30.00 first dancer

$15.00 sibling(s) (Maximum of $60.00)

A non-refundable Recital Fee of $25.00 per dancer will be added to March statements and due with tuition. (Discounts do not apply.)

Annual non-refundable Performance Team registration fee (Due upon enrollment):

$135.00 per dancer

 (Discounts do not apply.)

Competition Team fees:

Shared as needed.


Publicly Displaying our Affection

for DANCE!

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